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Page-4-Digital solutions bring with them no shortage of hype, but when will that translate into widespread adoption/
Page-6-Machine Design Online-Stories, Video, exclusive articles and events. Visit the official website of
Page-8-Industry news and briefs-Robots keep F-22 Raptor Fighters Healthy and Stealthy
Page-10-A Robot Dog Demonstrates How Mobile Manipulation Affects Automation Agile mobile platforms can deliver a new set of capabilities. Dynamic sensing for autonomous inspection is just one. Cover Photo Credit: Rightpoint
Page-16-AUTOMATION & IIoT 10 Considerations for Designing a Machine Vision System Refer to this checklist of prerequisites before taking on the task.
Page-20-AUTOMATION & IIoT Industry 5.0 Ushers in a New Era of Human-Centric Contributions to Production Processes Computers are critical to Industry 4.0 and 5.0, but human workers and their creativity are still vital as well.
Page-24-MEDICAL DESIGN Hybrid Manufacturing Techniques Enable Production of a Bionic Hand A new approach to prosthetic design using 3D printing restores mobility while remaining affordable.
Page-28-MECHANICAL & MOTION SYSTEMS Understanding Losses in BLDC Motors Engineers who have a firm handle on losses in BLDC motors can better design efficient motors for their specific applications.
Page-30-Featured Products Page-31-Ad Index Page-Classifieds Page-32-One More Thing-The extent to which robots and automation shift jobs remains contentious. Researchers offer a new insights.
Issue Date: Nov-2022
Publisher: Automation Direct
Series/Report no.: Volume-94;ISSUE-8
Appears in Collections:Machine Design

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