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Title: POWER
Keywords: POWER
Page-6-A Legacyof Quality Reporting: POWERTums 140
Page-8-Australia Taking 'Renewable' Approach to Decommissioning Coal Plants
Page-10-THE BIG PICTURE; Power Plant Additions Over the Decades
Page-12-Can power Plant Wastewater Be Valuable?
Page-16-Europe Tums to LNG to Avert Energy Crisis
Page-20-Net-Zero Goals Require Decarbonization Acrossthe Value Chain
Page-24-'West Virginia v. EPA'Will Shape, but Not Stop, Power Plant Regulation 24 By Dena Adler, New York University School of Law's Institute for Policy Integrity
Page-28-Innovation, Efficiencyat Heart of CHP Plant Upgrade 28 Updating the gas turbine technology at a combined heat and power (CHP) plant in South Korea has improved the facility's efficiency for both electricity generation and its district heating capability. The project also furthers the country's plan to reduce the carbon footprint of its power generation sector.
Page-30-Fun in the Sun: Cane Island Is a Central FloridaTreasure 30 A Central Florida power plant in the shadow of Disney World could have its own theme, centered around reliability and efficiency. The Cane Island facil ity has performed with record availability, performance made even better by recent upgrades to Unit 3 at the site.
Page-32-A New Breed of Energy Security: HO Clarke Power Plant 32 HO Clarke pioneers a standardized LM6000PC power plant design that sets new benchmarks for gas peaking power development and construction. Built in just 38 weeks despite COVID lockdowns, the plant provided critical power to the power-strapped Texas grid during Winter Storm Uri
Page-34-Harnessing an H-Class for Hydrogen: Long Ridge EnergyTerminal 34 Long Ridge EnergyTerminal in Hannibal, Ohio, was built as the first purpose built power plant in the U.S. to generate power with hydrogen fuel. The power plant recently completed a first firing test, kicking off its journey to larger amounts of hydrogen.
Page-36-Expansion Project Furthers Indonesia's Increase in Power Generation The expansion project at Muara Karang provides 500 MW of gas-fired generation capacity for the Jakarta area. Expanding the facility is part of the Indonesian government's plan to develop several gigawatts of new power generation capacity
Page-38-DISTRIBUTED ENERGY Microgrids on the Moon: Discussing the Functionality of Remote Microgrids in Harsh Environments Remote microgrids can utilize solar arrays and run on autonomous operating systems in an "island mode;' meaning detached from an external electrical grid. Lunar microgrids are simply remote microgrids operating on the moon. They mostly follow the same applications and parameters that a remote microgrid on Earth would follow, with some additional considerations.
Page-40-Rental Boilers Fill ProcessSteam Gaps During Crucial Production Periods There are many reasons you might need a rental boiler. It could be maintenance is necessary on your usual equipment or you've experienced an increase in steam demand, which can't be met by installed systems. What ever the case, a rental boiler can help get you through the situation without disrupting business.
Page-42-Standing Up for Safety: Maya Sounds the Alann, but Will Anyone Listen? Problem-solving is in Mamie Surfaceblow's DNA. Where others see challenges, Mamie sees opportunities. Her latest adventure not only tests her engineering mettle, it also provides a chance to showcase the expertise of her colleague Maya.
Page-44-Switching to an Electric Forklift: How to Calculate the Battery Amp-Hour Capacity Web Switching from a fossil fuel-powered fork truck to electric brings tangible benefits to users. However, it's important to understand how to calculate the lithium battery amp-hour capacity for electric forklifts so you don't end up with inadequate'equipment. (Visit and search "Electric. Forklift Battery Capacity" to read this online-only exclusive.)
Page-48-How to Continue the Solar Jobs SuccessStory By Larry Sherwood, Interstate Renewable Energy Council (lREC)
Issue Date: Oct-2022
Publisher: Access Intelligence
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-166;No-10
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (ME)

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