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Title: Minimum Power Consuming Algorithm to Select Relay Node of Mimo Integrated Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Other Titles: (In) Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Authors: Mal, Dibyendu
Keywords: Algorithm
Relay Node
Issue Date: Aug-2018
Publisher: Research Gate
Series/Report no.: Vol : 11;Issue : 26
Abstract: Objectives: To design an MIMO integrated Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) in an energy efficient way. As MANETs are battery operated, so energy constrained is an important factor to design this integrated network. It is very essential to develop a routing algorithm using energy awareness consideration. Methods/Statistical Analysis: A Minimum Power Consumed Routing (MPCR) algorithm is developed which is an integration of cooperative transmission process. Most of existing routing algorithm of Mobile Ad Hoc Network is based on distance and metric value, but this proposed algorithm is based on effective received power by the mobile nodes. Minimum effective power consumes minimum energy for transmission. The route selection of this algorithm is simulated in MATLAB environment and comparative study is done ofthis algorithm with some other existing algorithm. Findings: This algorithm selects relay node and supports short distance communication which can improve the Signal to Noise Interference Ratio (SNIR). The performance analysis of proposed routing algorithm improves Signal to Noise Interference Ratio (SNIR) resulting in better cooperative transmission. Novelty/ Applications: This algorithm suitably works on any hazardous environment where structured network implementation ,is not possible.
ISSN: 0974-6846
Appears in Collections:Physics (Publications)

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