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Toolsfor engineering resistance against pathogens in plants A.Chaudhary-S. Teotia . D. Singh
Co-actionof ABA, brassinosteriod hormone pathways and differential regulation of different transcript isoforms during cold-and-dark induced senescence in Arabidopsis M. Panigrahy.A. Singh- S. Das . K.C.S. Panigrahi
Deepsequencing unravels methyl jasmonate responsive novel miRNAsin Podophyllum hexandrum S.Biswas. S. Hazra . S. Chattopadhyay
Genetic diversity analysis and population structure in a rice germplasm collection of different maturity groups S.Jadhav. D. Balakrishnan VG. Shankar· K. Beerelli . G. Chandu . S.Neelamraju
Evidencefor miRNAs involved in the high-altitude responses ofsainfoin (Onobrychis viciifoliai grown in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau H.Yin. H. Zhou . W.Wang· L.-S.P. Tran . B. Zhang
Genetic relationships of 24 Pennisetum cultivars and construction of DNAfingerprints based on SSR markers C.Wang· X. Dan . T. Liu . Q. Li . Z. Pu . P. Zhou .Y.Deng . L. Huang
Flavonoid production and anti oxidative activity in liquid-cultured hairy roots of Apocynum venetum L. Zhang- Z.y. Yu . H. Wang· L. Jiang· Y.G.Zhan . G.Z. Fan
Identification, phylogeny and transcript profiling of ERF family genes during temperature stress treatment in Pea (Pisum sativum L.) S. Sharma- A. Chahal· H. Prasad- A. Walia· R. Kumar- S. Dobhal
Deep learning aided automatic and reliable detection of tomato begomovirus infections in plants S.Chakraborty· H. Kodamana . S. Chakraborty
Development of a set of SSR markers for characterization of Indian mustard germplasm and varieties L. Singh- J. Nanjundan . K.H. Singh- D. Sharma- N. Parmar- A. Watts . R.Jain A.K. Thakur
Genome-wide identification and characterization of grapevine UFDI genes during berry development and salt stress response L.Wei .J. Cheng· J. Xiang· J. Wu
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba annexin-I gene (AnnCtl ) is up-regulated under oxidative stress, and its protein has calcium-binding and an antioxidant property in-vitro M. Shail . R. Prasad
Studying the effect of different drying methods on phenolic content, antioxidant activity, color and antimicrobial activity in Assam tea (Camellia assamica) A. Das . D.P. Parashar . U. Raychaiudhuri . R. Chakraborty
Potential antibacterial and anti-biofilm effects of Anoectochilus roxburghii rhizome cultures M.-Z. Fan· X.-L. Jiang· x.c. Piao· X.-F. Li· M.-y' Jin· M.-L. Lian
Genomic regions governing the biosynthesis of sucrose and raffinose family oligosaccharides in soybean P.Jha . V Kumar- A. Rani .A. Kumar
Glyphosate-resistant Brassicajuncea (oilseed mustard) transgenics for possible control of root parasite Orobanche aegyptiaca and conservation agriculture P.Agarwal- A. Mukhopadhyay- V Gupta- A.K. Pradhan . D. Penta!
A fungal mycelium elicitor efficiently improved ginsenoside synthesis during adventitious root culture of Panax ginseng X.L. An .Y.Yu . M.Z. Fan . X.H. Wu . X.F. Li . X.c. Piao . M.L. Lian
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Variation in phytoecdysteroid accumulation in hairy roots of Silene linicola over extended time periods A.A. Erst- L.N. Zibareva· E.S. Filonenko
Identification and validation of suitable reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR studies in Adiantum reniforme var. sinense Q. Fu . L. Xiang . K. Zhao . L. Chen
Biogenic synthesis of copper nanoparticles using Vitis vinifera L. seed extract, and its in-vitro biological applications J. Vardhana· R. Sivasankaran· T.R. Ramkumar· J. Anitha
Issue Date: Jul-2022
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: VOLUME -31;Number-3
ISSN: 0971-7811
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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