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dc.subjectPage-1-A Numerical Modelling Approach for Finding the Stability of Snook during Depillaring: A Case Study ofJhanjra Mine S.Samanta. RK Sinha P.B. Chakrabarty- H. Kumaren_US
dc.subjectPage-13-A PPV-BasedPrediction Model to Construct Damage Envelop for Crater Blasts S.Behera. K Deen_US
dc.subjectPage-25-A Practical Decision Tool to Evaluate and Rank Potential Solutions for Expected Downhole Drilling Problems During the Well-planning Phase A.Elmgerbi· B. Les . R. Ashena· T Atkinen_US
dc.subjectPage-37-AI-Based Design of Hybrid Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite with CNT and Graphene K.S.K.Chaitanya . S. Dattaen_US
dc.subjectPage-45-An OEE-Based Approach to Identify Impact of Vulnerable Sub-Systems on the Continuity of Coal Mining Operation S.Banerjee- N.C. Deyen_US
dc.subjectPage-57-Application of Bioleaching to Recover Value-Added Product from partially Laterised Khondalite Rocks: A Bauxite Mining Waste R.Swain- S. Routray . RN. Mohapatro . B. Varsha P.Pattnaien_US
dc.subjectPage-63-Application of Response Surface Methodology for Effective Recovery of Indian Coking Coal Fines Through Froth Flotation Technique G.Y.S.Sarma- AK Sanjay . KS. Chandra G.M.J. Raju . K.v. Ramesh . S. Chaudari- TG. Charanen_US
dc.subjectPage-75-Assessment of Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of A356 Reinforced with x wt% CaB6 Composites K. Kaviyarasan . R Soundararajan . A Raj . S.A Kannan . P.Ayyankalaen_US
dc.subjectPage-85-Assessing the Tribological Behaviour of Stir Casted AA 6063 with xwt% ZrSi04 and 6wt% TiB2 Hybrid Composites K. Kaviyarasan . R. Soundararajan . RR. Roger S. Rudresh . RS. Ismail- V.S.Prasanthen_US
dc.subjectPage-95-Characterization of Fracture Pattern of Indian Coal Measure Rock Under Uniaxial Compression Stress by Statistical Analysis of Fractal Dimension of the Microcrack Orientation S. Chakraborty· R Bisai . S.K Palaniappan . S.K Palen_US
dc.subjectPage-107-Characterization of SG Iron by Ultrasonic Techniques S.B. Rayjadhav . S.A Kamble .YD. Shindeen_US
dc.subjectPage-117-Die Life in Aluminium High-Pressure Die Casting Industries M. Bhaskar- G. Anand- T Nalluswamy· P.Sureshen_US
dc.subjectPage-125-Effect of Automation on the Heating of Waste Sand in Reclamation Process Using Arduino Microcontroller U.A Patil· S.B. Rayjadhav- YD. Shindeen_US
dc.subjectPage-133-Electrical Conductivity Mechanism Study of Nd-Doped VCr03 Nanoparticles R Sinha- S. Haldaren_US
dc.subjectPage-141-Electrochemical Properties of Heat-Treated Al Alloy A6061-T6 in 0.5 M H2S04 Solution TO. Olugbade . 0.0. Omoniyi . B.a. Orniyaleen_US
dc.subjectPage-149-Energy Dissipation Behaviour of Bamboo Leaf Ash reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites S.E. Nitla . B. Vinod . R Angajala .P. Danaiah . S.J. Hanumanthu Page-157- Enhanced Electrocaloric Effect in Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramic Wafer AK Singh- P.S. Mondalen_US
dc.subjectPage-161-Experimental Investigations on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Retrogression and Reaging (RRA)-Treated AA7075 (Al-Zn-Mg) Alloy TP. Tejasvi . H.M. Somashekar . V Ranjithen_US
dc.subjectPage-173-Experimental Study on Electric Conductive Pavement Brick Made from Steel Slag Quenching with Wind J. Pengen_US
dc.subjectPage-181-Fabrication of Ti-6AI-4V Porous Scaffolds Using Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Mechanical Compression Test for Biomedical Applications P. Mondal .A Das . A Mondal . AR Chowdhury . A Karmakaren_US
dc.subjectPage-191-Impact of Hot Rolling on Mechanical Characteristics of AA7075/TiBz/Graphite Hybrid Composites S.S. Ahmed- H.N. Girisha . R Keshavamurthy Page- 203-Influence of Graphene Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Homogenized A14032- Graphene Composites Processed Through ECAP RS. Krishnarao .V.Veeranna- A.G. Krishnaen_US
dc.subjectPage-217-Investigating the Unique Thermal properties of Thassos marble H.H. Khwayyir· D.M. Hachim· AM. Aboodi· K.1.Alwanen_US
dc.subjectPage-225-Mechanical and Microstructural Behavior of Similar and Dissimilar AA6082-T6 and AA7050-T7 Friction Stir Welded Joints A Singh- V.Upadhyay Page-235-Microstructure and Nanoindentation response of Si3N4-Reinforced Magnesium-based Composite Synthesized by Powder Metallurgy Route A Balikai . H. Adarsha . R Keshavamurthyen_US
dc.subjectPage-249-Multi-Response Optimization of AI/GrCp10 MMC Performance in WEDM Using Integrated TOPSIS ANFIS Approach M. Phate . S. Toney- V.Phate . V.Tatwawadien_US
dc.subjectPage-263-Multi-response Optimization of Turning Parameters for Cryogenically Treated and Tempered WC-Co Inserts B. Kaman· A Kuppusamy . T.P.Latchoumi .A Banerjee· A Sinha- A Biswas . AK Subramanianen_US
dc.subjectPage-275-Parametric Effect on Tribological Performance of Plasma-Sprayed Composite Coating on Bearing Steel K Mohammed Ibrahim- S.S. Havaldar· A Hiriyannaiah· R. Keshavamurthyen_US
dc.subjectPage-287-Physicomechanical Properties of Bio-based Sawdust Cow Horn-Coconut Husk Particleboards O.T. Ojo . T.O. Olugbade Page-295-Physico-Mechanical Characteristics of Vindhyan Sandstone, India V.Chaudhary- A Srivastav . V.H.R Pandey- A Kainthola . S.K Tiwari· S.B. Dwivedi . T.N. Singhen_US
dc.subjectPage-303-Prediction and Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Steels Using Machine Learning A. Choudhury Page-311-Resistance Spot Welding of Aluminum 6063 Alloy for Aerospace Application: Improvement of Microstructural and Mechanical Properties S.K Sharma P.Patel· M. Chandra AK Rajak . C. Sharmaen_US
dc.subjectPage-319-Study of CCL W, Alumina and the Mixture of Alumina and CCLW-Reinforced Aluminum-Based Composite Material with and Without Mechanical Alloying S.P. Dwivedi . M. Maurya . S. Sharma Page-333-Study the effect of introducing 6061 AI alloy chip on the microstructure and properties of the 6061 wrought AI alloy prepared by gravity die-cast M. Dixit- M. Agarwal- R Srivastava· D.P. Singh Page-341-Study of Mechanical Properties of SiC and Gr Reinforced AI7075 Powder Metallurgy Composites and Analysis of Results using ANOVA ' T.S. Manjunath . Seenappa . G.B.V. Kumar . M.V.P.Kumar· M. Rudreshen_US
dc.subjectPage-349 -The Practical Expression of Comprehensive Materials in the Process of Painting Art Creation H. Geng Page-355-CASE STUDIES A Brief Discussion on the Influencing Factors and Conditions on Tribometry using a Pin-on-Disc Tribometer KS. Mahesh Lohith Page-363-Challenges Faced During the Implementation of Safety Management Plan (SMP) in Indian Underground Hard Rock Mines: A Field-Based Approach F. Sarkaren_US
dc.subjectPage-375 -Investigation for Safety of Final Quarry Bench During Mine Closure Stage: A Case Study A Golder· I. Roy Page-383-REVIEWPAPER Wear Performance of UHMWPE and PCU Artificial Disc Materials 1. Daniel Glad Stephen· M. Prakash- N.K Das . S. Shuklaen_US
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