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Title: POWER
Keywords: POWER
SPEAKING OF POWER Spent Nuclear Fuel:A Valuable Resource-Not aWaste GLOBAL MONITOR Upgrades to Line Sensors Support Reliability of the Power Grid THE BIG PICTURE:Momentum for CCS Holtec Unveils Green Boiler Designed to Repurpose Coal Plants POWERDigest FOCUS ON O&M HowThermallmaging Improves Early Warning Fire Detection for Battery Storage and Handling LEGAL & REGULATORY What RTOsand ISOs Can Learn from the Parable of the Fox and the Hedgehog By Ken Irvin of Sidley Austin LLp, and Joe Wadsworth of Vito I Inc. COVER FOCUS: COAL TOP PLANTS A Japanese Project Demonstrates a Carbon Neutrality Pathway for Coal Power 16 The integration of carbon capture-ready technology with a fuel cell is part of a demonstration project at a coal-fired power plant in Japan. The Osaki Cool Gen facility, in Hiroshima Prefecture, is showing how coal-fired power can be produced with near-zero emissions. Shanghaimiao Part of China's Push for More Efficient Coal Plant Designs 18 China continues to build coal-fired power plants, which gives their power generation companies the opportunity to test new technologies to make such plants more efficient, with reduced emissions compared to earlier facilities. One of the newest plants is a 1-GW unit of an eventual 4-GW facility that will provide power for one of China's major industrial regions. FEATURES: UTILITY SPOTLIGHT Southern Company: A History of a Prolific Power Technology Pioneer 20 Southern Company is a leading energy company serving 9 million cus tomers through several subsidiaries. The company provides clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy through electric operating companies in three states, natural gas distribution companies in four states, a competi tive generation company serving wholesale customers across America, a leading distributed energy infrastructure company, a fiber optics network, and telecommunications services. POWER TRANSITIONS Station Life ExtensionThrough Coal-to-Gas Conversion 23 Converting a coal-fired power plant to run on natural gas is a complex task. Executing a project from conception through commissioning, particularly with an eye toward the ideals of shared risk and shared success, brings a unique approach to project execution. These techniques can be replicated to
Issue Date: Aug-2022
Publisher: Access Intelligence
Series/Report no.: VOLUME-166;Number-8
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (ME)

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