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Relation Between Telomere and Reactive Oxygen Species in Angiogenesis 1.Kiliccalan . A. Erkovan . s.c. Peker
A Summary of Planarian Signaling Pathway for Regenerative Medicine F. Golfeshan· S.A. Mosaddad· H. Babayalian· H. Tebyanian . E. Mehrjuyan . F. Shakeri
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Morphophysical and Spectroscopic Characteristics of Wild Silkworm Cocoons in North-East India B.Ch. Chutia- C. Nath· L.M. Goswarni· S. Borkataki N. Borah- C. Tamuly
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Systomus spilurus (Gunther, 1868) Cyprinidae, A New Distribution Record from Narmada Riverine Biodiversity, Gujarat, India D. Bhakta- B.K. Das . S.P. Kamble . S. Solanki . D. Maji . A.K. Sahoo . S. Samanta
Earthworms of Hyderabad-Karnataka Province, Karnataka, India, with Two New Records H. Mubeen . S.S. Hatti
Exogenous Elicitors Enhanced Berberine Production in the Cell Suspension Cultures of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook F. &Thoms. S.K. Pillai . E.A. Siril
Analyzing the Use of Medicinal Herbs During the First Wave and Second Wave of COVID-19 T. Singh· A. Nigam- R. Kapila
Impact of High-Fiber Ingredient Mix on the Nutritional Indices of the Women Suffering from Metabolic Syndrome N. Singla .P. Bakhetia . R. Jain
Issue Date: Jan-2022
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume-92;Issue-1
ISSN: 0369-8211
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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