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dc.relation.ispartofseriesVOLUME 31;Issue 2-
dc.subjectBiotic and abiotic stress tolerance through CRISPR·Cas mediated genome editing S. Ghosh- G. Deyen_US
dc.subjectPrediction of the sea buckthorn AQP gene structure and its spatiotemporal expression pattern under drought stress D. Zhang· N. Yang· J. Dong· e. Wang· Q. Li . R. Wang· Z. Feng . D. Xie . G.Ye·Y.Maen_US
dc.subjectS·aminolevulinic acid (ALA) regulates photosynthetic performance and nitrogen metabolism status in UV-B challenged Cajanus cajan L. seedlings D. Gupta· S.M. Prasaden_US
dc.subjectPhysical map of IncRNAs and lincRNAs linked with stress responsive miRs and genes network of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) J.K. Yasin· B.K. Mishra- M. Arumugam Pillai . V. Chinnusamyen_US
dc.subjectDifferential stem reserve food mobilization and sink strength in rice cultivars grown under submerged and aerobic conditions S. Jhandai· A. Pal· N. Mohan- V. Saharan· V.Jainen_US
dc.subjectPhytochemical changes of Digitalis purpurea L. in response to polyamines and methyl jasmonate application in callus culture M.M. Rad . V. Abdossi . P. Moradi . F. Rakhshandehroo . A. Mehrafarinen_US
dc.subjectIdentification and expression studies of a PNP from Opuntia ficus-indica e. Garciduefias-Pii'ia . V. Herrera-Martinez· M.A. Mejia-Mendoza . D.A. Dfaz-Garcia . R.E. Soria-Guerra- J.F. Morales-Dominguezen_US
dc.subjectPhysiological response and transcriptome analysis of Prunus mume to early salt stress X. Wang· Z. Song· Y. Ti . Y. Liu . Q. Li 3en_US
dc.subjectEffects of humic acid on antioxidant defense system and senescence related genes expression in petaJs of LA-Hybrid Lily F. Ghafari Rahbar . A. Vaziri . M. Hassanpour Asil . S. Talesh Sasani . J.Olfatien_US
dc.subjectNew insights on Abelmoschus manihot flower development: dynamic changes of flavonoids based on a metabolomic approach J. Li . G. Ye . H. Liu . Z. Wangen_US
dc.subjectMolecular characterization and expression profiling of NADH-ubiquinone reductase Complex 1 MLRQ Subunit in Pennisetum glaucum Z.M. Almutairien_US
dc.subjectProduction and characterization of somatic hybrids between rice (Oryza sativa L.) and reed (Phragmites communis Trin.) obtained by protoplast fusion K. Kim . TS. Ho . U.S. Hwangen_US
dc.subjectDefining the roles of PvMDH genes in response to salt stress and detailed characterization of the gene family S. Yrldiz . A. Okay- i. Biiytiken_US
dc.subjectGC-MS-FID characterization and antibacterial activity of the essential oil from Achyrocline satureioides (Lam) DC e.N.F.L. Gondim . J.N.P. Carneiro· C.P. Leite· J.e. Andrade Pinheiro· W. do Amaral- e. Deschamps· L.E. da Silva- N.F.L. Sampaio . G.E.C. Gondim . H.D.M. Coutinhoen_US
dc.subjectMicropropagation, antioxidant and anticancer activity of pineapple orchid: Dendrobium densijlorum Lindl B. Pant· K. Chand- M.R. Paudel . P.R. Joshi· B.B. Thapa . S.Y. Park· S. Shakya . L.S. Thakuri . S. Rajbahak . A.K. Sah . M.K. Baniya . P.R. Gurung . L. Maharjan . P. Rajbhandarien_US
dc.subjectDevelopment of near isogenic lines for grain softness through marker assisted backcross breeding in wheat TP.J. Kumar- A. Rai . S.K. Singh- R.R. Kumar.', A.K. AhIawat . S. Saini . R.B. Shukla- N. Bedi . A. Mahendru-Singhen_US
dc.subjectMicrosatellite marker based diversity analysis and DNA fingerprinting of Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum) varieties of India H.B. Santosh· M. Meshram· V. Santhy· V.N. Waghmareen_US
dc.subjectEnhancement of Celastrol compound by silver nanoparticles and acetosyringone in Celastrus paniculatus Willd. through adventitious and hairy root culture A.K. Moola . T Senthil Kumar- B.D. Ranjitha Kumarien_US
dc.subjectEvaluation of p-Nltrophenyl butyrate based bioautographic method for the identification of lipase inhibitors from the unexplored plant sources V.K. Bayineni . R.-K. Kadeppagarien_US
dc.subjectElevation of photosystem II thermaJ stability at pH 5.7 due to the structuraJ transition in the oxygen-evolving complex E. Lovyagina . B. Seminen_US
dc.subjectPage-Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of Jatropha curcas associated with the content of phorbol ester N. Vega-Quiros- E. Amaez-Serrano· I.M. Moreira-Gonzalez· R. Munoz-Arrieta- L. Borb6n . e. Orozco-Ortiz' G. Vargas-Hernandez F. Herrera- E. Araya-Valverdeen_US
dc.subjectGC-MS Analysis and 10 Vitro EvaJuation of Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Melaleuca viminalis (Myrtaceae) A.G. Darwish- H.M. Hassan- M.N. Samy . E.S. Shaker· S.M. Basha . S.P. Balasubrarnanien_US
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