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Page-1-Analytical study on recovering of biasing signal from the phase-modulated output of electro-optic modulator using semiconductor optical amplifier-based system S.Das·S.11ukhopadhyay
Page-5-Noise reduction in optical gyroscope signals based on hybrid approaches H.11. Abdelzaher . 1.11. El-Dokany . S.A El-Dolil . O.A Oraby ·11.1. Dessouky . AS. El-Fishawy . E.-S.11. El-Rabaie . F.E. Abd-El-Samie
Page-22-Optical soliton perturbation with parabolic-nonlocal combo nonlinearity: undetermined coefficients and semi-inverse variational principle 1. Vega-Guzman· A. Biswas . 11. Asma . AR. Seadawy . 11. Ekiei . A.K. Alzahrani . 11.R Belie
Page-29-Highly dispersive optical solitons with quadratic-cubic law of refractive index by the variational iteration method O. Gonzalez-Gaxiola A Biswas . 11. Ekiei . S. Khan
Page-37-Optimization of the operational parameters of ultrashort laser pulses for high self-compression with simplified thin-film compressor technique Y.S. Nada . 1.11. El-Azab . H. Othman- T. Mohamed . S.11.A 11aize· Y.H.Elbashar
Page-46-microcrystalline BaS04:Eu A Patle . RR Patil . 11.S. Kulkarni· S.Y. Moharil
Page-58-Multilayers method for designing the W -shape raised cosine few-mode fibers S. Chebaane· S. Ben Khalifa· F. Benabdallah· 11. Mohamad . F. Hedhili . S.11. Al-Shomar
Page-65-Reduction of discomfort glare through relative positioning of LED luminary and observer P.R. Yawale . Y.G. Wagb . AD. Sbaligram
Page-71-Sensitivity Enhancement of a Plasmonic Sensor Based on a Side Opening Quasi-D-Shaped Optical Fiber with Au Nanowires R.A Kadhim . 1. Wu . Z. Wang
Page-79-The effects of the curing parameters of the hydrothermal solution on the characteristic properties of ZnO nanowires H. Tugral Arslan . C. Arslan . N. Baydogan
Page-89-A RW A framework for improved throughput in OBS networks B. Nleya
Page-106-Optical hextuple ring resonator-based delay line architecture S. Dey
Page-115-Preferred combination of color temperature and illuminance by the viewers for viewing paintings displayed under LED lighting A Bhattaeharjee . S. Pal
Page-124-The encryption and decryption technology with chaotic iris and compressed sensing based on computer-generated holography X. Sun· T. Hu . L. 11a . W. Jin
Page-133-Parallel relay-assisted free-space optical communication using multi-pulse position modulation over the generalized turbulence channel model St Magidi . A Jabeena
Page-142-Significant temperature effect on the LSPR properties of noble metal nanoparticles W. He· X. Huang· X.11a· 1. Zhang
Page-154-Optimal design of ultrabroadband omnidirectional planar structure absorber using anti-reflection coatings H. Cai . S. Shan- X. Wang
Page-161-Investigation the absorption efficiency of InGaP nanowire solar cells F.A Abed
Page-165-Using elastic scattering method to determine quality and purity of crude oil and petroleum products S. Yilrnaz
Page-173-Studies on crystal structure, morphology, optical and photoluminescence properties of flake-like Sb doped y203 nanostructures Y. Adimule· B.C. Yallur· K. Sharma
Page-184-Phase retrieval at all defocus distances H. Cheng· X. Zhu . Y. Liu . L. Wang- Y. Wu . C. Shen
Page-194-Performance evaluation of a 60-GHz RoF-OFDM system for wireless applications S. Yahia . L. Graini . S. Beddiaf . A.B. Gabis . Y. Meraihi
Page-203-Sagnac interferometer-based transmission grating super-resolution digital microholography W. Zhang· C. Shi . B. Li
Issue Date: Mar-2022
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: VOLUME 51;Number 1
ISSN: 0972-8821
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (physics)

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