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dc.subjectDysbiosis of the Human Urinary Microbiome and its Association to Diseases Affecting the Urinary System S. Jayalath· D. Magana-Arachchien_US
dc.subjectNano-Therapeutics to Treat Acne Vulgaris N. Chakraborty· V. Narayanan· H.K. Gautamen_US
dc.subjectMicrobial Mechanisms of Heat Sensing H. Samtani· G. Unni· P. Khuranaen_US
dc.subjectI6S rRNA Gene Sequence Identification of Cultivable-Bacterioplankton Between Ambient Water and Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) of Resident Teleost P.S.K. Fatsi· E.K. Appiah· C. Ogasawara· P.A. Tettey· S. Hashem· H. Saito· K. Kawaien_US
dc.subjectA Microcosm Model for the Study of Microbial Community Shift and Carbon Emission from Landfills I. Sagar· Y. Nimonkar· D. Dhotre· Y. Shouche· D. Ranade· S. Dewala· O. Prakashen_US
dc.subjectCytotoxic Bioxanthracene and Macrocyclic Polyester from Endolichenic Fungus Talaromyces pinophilus: In-Vitro and In-Silico Analysis C. Shevkar· A. Armarkar· R. Weerasinghe· K. Maduranga· K. Pandey· S.K. Behera· K. Kalia . P. Paranagama . A.S. Kateen_US
dc.subjectImproved Survival of Freeze-Dried Lactobacillus pentosus SY130 and Applied as a Co-culture Starter with Lactobacillus plantarum KJ03 for Fermenting Stink Bean (Sataw-Dong) N. Rakchai . S. Maneeraten_US
dc.subjectDynamics of the Bacterial Community's Soil During the In-Situ Degradation Process of Waste Chicken Feathers K.Li·Y.Yang·S.Zhang·X.Chengen_US
dc.subjectImmunostimulant Activity of Bacteria Isolated from Extreme Environments in Baja California Sur, Mexico: A Bioprospecting Approach G. Rodriguez-Valdez· R. Romero-Geraldo· G. Medina-Basulto· M. Reyes-Becerril- C. Anguloen_US
dc.subjectCharacterization of the Non-rhizobial Bacterial Community in the Nodule-Associated Soils of Akebono Soybeans and Isolation of Antibiotic Producing Amycolatopsis spp. R. Kataoka· H. Yamamura . M. Hayakawaen_US
dc.subjectIsolation and Characterization of a Novel Lytic Halotolerant Phage from Yuncheng Saline Lake c.-x. Wang· A.-H. Zhao· H.-Y. Yu· L.-L. Wang· X. Lien_US
dc.subjectLinkage of Microbial Parameters with Sediment Physicochemical Properties in Subsurface Fluvial Sediment Deposits of the Mahi River Basin, Western India A.P. Shah· S. Farooqui· D.M. Maurya· A. Sharma· G. Archanaen_US
dc.subjectThe Optimization of Chlorella vulgaris Flocculation Harvesting by Chitosan and Calcium Hydroxide C. Liang· Y. Yang· Y. Xia· W. Yuan· J. Chen· Z. Zheng· X. Zhengen_US
dc.subjectIsolation and Characterization of Glucosinolate-Hydrolysis Enterococcus gallinarum HGOOI and Escherichia coli HG002 from C57BLl6 Mouse Microbiota Y. Zhang· S. Huang· J. Sun· X. Song· C. Jiang· Y. Wuen_US
dc.subjectProduction of Red Pigments by a Newly Isolated Talaromyces aurantiacus Strain with LED Stimulation for Screen Printing X. Gong· H. Luo . X. Wu . H. Liu . C. Sun' S. Chenen_US
dc.subjectDevelopment of an Accurate and Sensitive Diagnostic System Based on Conventional PCR for Detection of African Swine Fever Virus in Food Waste S. Lee' J. Kwon- B.-Y. Kim' J.-H. Kimen_US
dc.subjectBioremediation of a Sewage-Contaminated Tropical Swamp Through Bioaugmentation with a Microalgae-Predominant Microbial Consortium J.E. Gutierrez' N. Gutierrez-Hoyos' J.S. Gutierrez' M.J. Vives' V. Sivasubramanianen_US
dc.subjectImmobilization of Laccase Through Inorganic-Protein Hybrids Using Various Metal Ions S.K.S. Patel' V.C. Kalia' S.-Y. Kim' J.-K. Lee' I.-W. Kimen_US
dc.subjectA Comparative Analysis for the Production of Xylooligosaccharides via Enzymatic Hydrolysis from Sugarcane Bagasse and Coconut Coir , I. Khangwal . P. Shuklaen_US
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