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dc.contributor.authorChaudhuri, Plaban-
dc.contributor.authorDas, Mithun-
dc.contributor.authorLodh, Indrani-
dc.contributor.authorGoswami, Riddhi-
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Women with family history of diabetes (FHD) are at significantly increased risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus which may eventually lead to type 2 diabe tes mellitus (T2DM) in later life. Objective: This study inves tigates the role of FHD on metabolic markers and gene poly morphisms and hence on T2DM susceptibility in nondiabet ic pregnant women and the subsequent risks in their newborns. Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted on 200 healthy (nondiabetic and normotensive) adult Asian Indian women, including 100 with and 100 with out FHD, living in and around Kolkata, India. During the ges tational period, they were studied twice and followed up till delivery. During delivery, both mothers’ venous blood and cord blood were collected to estimate serum CRP, glucose, and lipid profiles of the respective mothers and their new borns. Genotyping of PPARγ and TCF7L2 polymorphisms was done from these blood samples. Results: A comparison of the metabolic variables among the subjects with and without FHD revealed significant differences among them. We also found close relationship between mothers and their newborn babies in terms of both PPARγ (rs1801282) C/G and TCF7L2 (rs7903146) C/T polymorphisms. More specifically, genotyping results for mothers with FHD and their newborn babies showed high concordance in inheritance of alleles: (i) for PPARγ via the risk allele G (74.0%) which is carried over to the newborn babies (64.5%) and (ii) for TCF7L2 via the risk allele T (73.0%) which is carried over to the newborn babies (68.5%). Conclusion: This study leads to the conclusion that Asian Indian women population based in Kolkata, India, are ethnically and genetically predisposed to the risk factors of diabetes through FHD, which is reflected in their gestational phase, and it has a significant implication on their birth outcomesen_US
dc.subjectRole of Metabolic Risk Factors, Family History, and Genetic Polymorphisms (PPARγ and TCF7L2) on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk in an Asian Indian Populationen_US
dc.subjectPublic Health Geonomicsen_US
dc.subjectAsian Indians · Type 2 diabetes · Family history of diabetes · Gene polymorphisms · PPARγ · TCF7L2 · Birth outcomesen_US
dc.titleRole of Metabolic Risk Factors, Family History, and Genetic Polymorphisms (PPARγ and TCF7L2) on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk in an Asian Indian Populationen_US
dc.title.alternative(in) Public Health Genomicsen_US
Appears in Collections:Biotechnology (Publications)

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