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dc.identifier.issn: 0011-3891-
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 122;Number 8-
dc.subjectPage-874-In this issueen_US
dc.subjectPage-875-GUEST EDITORIAL-India's unsustainable water development Asit K. Biswasen_US
dc.subjectPage- 877-CORRESPONDENCE- Is the peer review system in scientific publishing broken? Sharmistha Banerjee and Shekhar C. Manden_US
dc.subjectPage-879-NEWS- Notjust body, physical exercise can safeguard our brain as well as we age Arjun R. Krishnanen_US
dc.subjectPage-884-SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE- Recollection of Indian lipstick plant, Aeschynanthus monetaria Dunn (Gesneriaceae) after a century from Arunachal Pradesh, India Krishna Chowlu, Gopal Krishna and W. Arisdasonen_US
dc.subjectPage-885 Possible Ediacaran discs from the Paniam Quartzite, Kurnool Group, South India Yogesh Kumar, Mukund Sharma and Shreerup Goswarnien_US
dc.subjectPage-888-REVIEW ARTICLE --Public transport (MRTS) and the need of choice mechanism: a case of the Indian public transport Nitin Lambat, Vijay Kapse and Chandra Sabnanen_US
dc.subjectPage- 900 -RESEARCH ARTICLE--S3D building reconstruction and validation using high-resolution stereo data Jai Gopal Singla and Sunanda Trivedien_US
dc.subjectPage-907-Drillability predictions in Aravalli and Himalayan rocks - a petro-physico mechanical approach B. N. V. Siva Prasad, V. M. S. R. Murthy and Sripad R. Naiken_US
dc.subjectPage-918-Neotectonic evidences of some major rivers of North East India Sangeeta Sharma, Saurabh Baruah and Jogendra Nath Sarmaen_US
dc.subjectPage-934-Link between monsoon rainfall variability and agricultural drought in the semi arid region of Maharashtra, India Rahul S. Todmalen_US
dc.subjectPage-945-Adigar: a drone simulator for agriculture Akarshani Amarasinghe, Lakshman Jayaratne and Viraj B. Wijesuriyen_US
dc.subjectPage-951-Experience window influences development and retention of memory to recognize predators in the larval skipper frogs Swapnil C. Supekar and Narahari P. Gramapurohiten_US
dc.subjectPage-958-Gut bacteria mediated insecticide resistance in cotton leatbopper Amrasca biguttula biguttula G, Sivakumar, M. Mohan, K. Subaharan, T. Venkatesan, Sanjay Yelshetti, M. Kannan, R. Anandham, M. S. Yandigeri, Surabhi Kumari, K. Elango and P. Ram Kumaen_US
dc.subjectPage-965-Chemical composition of Low Moor and Walker Company cannons in the Odisha State Maritime Museum, east coast of India Sila Tripati, Rudra Prasad Behera, N. G. Rudraswami and P. P. Deshpandeen_US
dc.subjectPage-974-On satellite geoidal mapping over the Elan Bank, Antarctica T. J. Majumdar and R. Bhattacharyyaen_US
dc.subjectPage-978-Ecological footprint of Solan district, Himachal Pradesh, India Jyotsana Pandit, S. K. Bhardwaj and Anish Kumar Sharmen_US
dc.subjectPage-981-Ecological footprint of Solan district, Himachal Pradesh, India Jyotsana Pandit, S. K. Bhardwaj and Anish Kumar Sharmen_US
dc.subjectPage-985-BOOK REVIEWS-Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, Vols 1 to 4. Ehud Greenspan (Editor-in-Chiet); reviewed by Anil Kakodkaren_US
dc.subjectPage-986-Leaf-based Identification for Trees of Sahyadri: 435 Species of Forest, Mangrove and Urban Trees of North Western Ghats of India. Shrikant Ingalhalikar; reviewed byP. Venuen_US
dc.subjectPage-988-Space Life and Matter: The Coming of Age of Indian Science. Hari Pulakkat; reviewed by Ranganath R. Navalgunden_US
dc.subjectPage-990-PERSONAL NEWS-Aiyasami Jayaraman (1926-2022) G. Parthasarathy, T. V. Ramakrishnan and V. Narayanamurten_US
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