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Identification of genomic loci governing pericarp colour through GWAS in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Nitika Rana, Surbhi Kumawat, Uma Maheshwar Singh, Vikas Kumar Singh, Rupesh Deshmukh, Tilak Raj Sharma and Humira Sonah
Meta-QTls linked to nitrogen use efficiency are randomly distributed in Indian rice germplasm Rahul Kumar, K. K. Vinod, S. Gopala Krishnan, Dinesh Kumar, Shweta Mehrotra, Lekshmy Sathee, Ranjith K. Ellur, A. K. Singh, P K. Bhowmick, Haritha Bollinedi, M. Nagarajan and P K. Mandai
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Genetics of fertility restoration for A1 cytoplasmic genic male sterility system in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) Subhash Chandra, S. P.Singh, C. Tara Satya vathi, S. Mukesh Sankar, Anju M. Singh and Jayant S. Bhat
Genetic diversity and population structure of Indian willow (Salix tetrasperma Roxb.) with dominant molecular markers along its distribution range in Himalayan region J. P.Sharma, Sanjeev Thakur, H. P. Sankhyan, S. K. Jha, Rajnish Sharma, Poonam Kanwar, Vikrant Gautam and Neeraj Sankhya
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Evaluation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Cranzt.) genotypes for resistance to mite and yield stability through AMMI analysis Sholihin, Kartika Noerwijati, Sri Wahyuni Indiati, Made Jana Mejaya, Heru Kuswantor
Validation of molecular markers linked to flowering time genes in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Aswini Nunavath, Venkatraman Hegde, Chel/apilla Bharadwaj, Shailesh Tripathi, Rajendra Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Jain, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Supriya Sachdev
Weighted average absolute scores of BLUPs (WAASB) based selection of stable Asiatic cotton genotypes for the salt affected Vertisols of India T. V. Vineeth, Indivar Prasad, Anil R. Chinchmalatpure, B. M. Lokeshkumar, Shrvan Kumar, K. T.Ravikiran and Parbodh Chander Sharm
An easy method of artificial hybridization in two arid legumes, guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Taub.) and moth bean [Vigna aconitifolia (Jack.) Marechal] Hans Raj Mahla and Ramavtar Sharma
Identification of sex linked molecular markers in spine gourd (Momordica dioica Roxb.) Gajala Ameen, Jitendra Kumar Tiwari, Ved Prakash, Vivek Kumar Sandilya and B.K. Das
In vitro mass multiplication of economically endangered forest plant Chironji (Buchanania lanzan Spreng.) Swapnila Vartika Singh, Radheshyam Sharma, R. Shiv Ramakrishnan, Stuti Sharma, Namrata Dwivedi, Ashish Kumar and Vikram Singh Gau
Karyomorphological studies in two species of genus Strychnos L. significant in ethno-pharmacological aspects Aswathy Ravindran and Bandana Nabis Das
Notification and germplasm registration
Issue Date: Feb-2022
Publisher: Indian Society of genetics and plant breeding
Series/Report no.: Volume 82;Number 1
ISSN: 0019-5200
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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