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Title: Active-R Dual Input Integrator With Enhanced Time Constant Using a CDBA-Quadrature Oscillator Design
Authors: Venkateswaran, P.
Das, Soumik
Nandi, Rabindra
Keywords: CDBA
Differential integrator,
Quadrature oscillator
Issue Date: Nov-2010
Publisher: Research Gate
Series/Report no.: Vol: 5;No : 2
Abstract: A new dual-input integrator using a current differencing buffered amplifier (CDBA) element is presented ; the circuit needs a grounded capacitor and the time constant (τ ) has an enlargement factor being tunable by a single resistor. A sinusoid quadrature oscillator is realized thereafter with a double-integrator loop involving two such integrators. The designs are tested satisfactorily in a frequency-range of 1MHz-20MHz by both hardware implementation and PSPICE macromodel simulation.
Appears in Collections:Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (Publications )

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