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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVOL 29;ISSUE 02-
dc.subjectVOICE & DATAen_US
dc.subjectPage--8-REGULARS - Voicemailen_US
dc.subjectPage-9-Opening Noteen_US
dc.subjectPage-16-“Smart cities are preparing us for the challenges of tomorrow” Rahul Kapooren_US
dc.subjectPage-22-Smart Cities – A Success Storyen_US
dc.subjectPage-28-Smart Cities need to adopt a National Standard for Device Eco- Systemen_US
dc.subjectPage-34-IUDX and the Transformational Role of Data in Urban Sectorsen_US
dc.subjectPage-40-India’s ‘Mission Transform Nation’ – Moving into the Next Phaseen_US
dc.subjectPage-42-“Together with Airports Authority of India (AAI) NEC is implementing contactless boarding with Facial Recognitionen_US
dc.subjectPage-45-Smart Cities: Red Dots on the Blueprinten_US
dc.subjectPage-48-Solid Waste Management – 5G and IOT can change the SWM landscape for Indiaen_US
dc.subjectPage-52-The Great Humbling of Urban Techen_US
dc.subjectPage-54-Template for Smart cities to achieve ESG goalsen_US
dc.subjectPage-56 -“Open RAN is a win-win for both- Telcos and Vendors” Rajesh Gangadharen_US
dc.subjectPage-59 -BUDGET ANALYSIS Crypto Currencies - Asset Class or Legal Tender?en_US
dc.subjectPage-60-Evolving Mobile Communications from 5G to 6G (Part 2) Bharat B. Bhatiaen_US
dc.subjectPage-62-TECHNOLOGY -Growth of Digital Healthcare in the era of Smart Citiesen_US
dc.subjectPage-64-Security in a VUCA worlden_US
dc.subjectPage-68-Software Technology Parts of India (STPI) creating tomorrow’s IT Leadersen_US
dc.subjectPage-70-The role of ICANN in safeguarding the global, united Interneten_US
dc.subjectPage-72-REPORT -What helps and what stops India with 5G?en_US
dc.subjectPage-74-NEWS ANALYSIS -2022 Will Be the Year of 5Gen_US
dc.titleVOICE & DATAen_US
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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