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dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol XXXviii;No 06-
dc.subjectPage-Yotta ’s vision is to deliver the best quality datacentre services to its customer and at the most reasonable costs. We made this possible via our group capabilities of realestate ownership, execution acumen, power generation and distribution capabilities . The Uptime Institute Tier IV Certification of Design Documents award attests to our commitment to deliver state -of-the-art IT infrastructure — Dr. Niranjan Hiranandani, MD, Hiranandani Groupen_US
dc.subjectPage-Cover Story-In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, we expect regulatory support to augment the Data Centre demand in India. Policy impetus such as the National E-commerce Policy, Personal Data Protection Bill, proposed policy on Data Centre Parks and digital initiatives by the government will accelerate demand. The Covid-19 situation will further propel the next wave of growth in the sector — Anshuman Magazine, Chairman & CEO, India, South East Asia, West Asia & Africa, CBREen_US
dc.subjectPage-12-over Story-In a post-COVID world, IT teams in every industry will need more control and better insights than ever before to ensure a secure, enterprise-grade connection for employees, wherever they are located , and cloud applications and management will be required to scale and adapt — Zeus Kerravala, Founder & Principal, ZK Researchen_US
dc.subjectPage-20-Cover Story-A Datacentre with Open Cloud-Manoj Paul-MD, GPX Indiaen_US
dc.subjectPage-26-Market Perfectly Primed for Cloud Adoption-—Sunit Parekh Technical Principal, ThoughtWorksen_US
dc.subjectPage-26-—Saurabh Mookherjee Lead Infrastructure Consultant, ThoughtWorksen_US
dc.subjectPage-28-AI, Edge Computing to Drive Datacentre Adoption-—JN Mylaraiah Director, Enterprise Sales, India & SAARC, CommScopeen_US
dc.subjectPage-31-Private Cloud for Datace ntres-—Vinod Ganesan Country Manager, India, Clouderaen_US
dc.subjectPage-34-Trends in Datace ntre-—Nitin Mishra Senior EVP & Chief Product Officer, NTT-Netmagicen_US
dc.subjectPage-38-Shift towards better Datace ntre Technologies-—Jatinder Singh Pabla VP, Sales & Marketing, STT GDC Indiaen_US
dc.subjectPage-40-Five Emerging Trends in Datace ntre Networking-—Harnath Babu CIO, KPMGen_US
dc.subjectPage-46-S T P I-46 Innovation and Role of Governmenten_US
dc.subjectPage-48-S T P I-STPI Transforms Government’s Visionen_US
dc.subjectPage-51-S T P I- Emerging Technologies and Innovationen_US
dc.subjectPage-54-S T P I- Developing Entrepreneurshipen_US
dc.subjectPage-58-Digital Centre-A Challenge with Opportunitiesen_US
dc.subjectPage-60-Talking Point-Cobots for Industry-—Rajeev Sharma Chief Strategy Officer, Mitsubishi Electric Indiaen_US
dc.subjectPage-63-DIGITAL ENTERPRISE-Resilient Digital Transformationen_US
dc.subjectPage-68--DIGITAL ENTERPRISE-Using AI for Good Business and Sustainabilityen_US
dc.subjectPage-71-DIGITAL ENTERPRISE-Digital Transformation for FMCGen_US
dc.subjectPage-75-DIGITAL ENTERPRISE-Future of Automobile Industryen_US
dc.subjectPage-77-TALKIG POINT--Technology for Business Growth—Dr. Richard Soley Executive Director, Digital Twin Consortiumen_US
dc.subjectPage-80-A Holistic Solution—Poojan Kumar CEO and Co-Founder, Clumioen_US
Appears in Collections:Dataquest

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