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dc.subjectVOICE & DATAen_US
dc.subjectPage-7-In 2022 we are at the Cusp of a new Age in Communications in India and globall y Gajendra Upadhyayen_US
dc.subjectPage-9-Interoperability and better industry standards – that’s the premise and promise of Open RAN, apparently. But are we closer to solving cartelisation, over-engineering, customer pain-points and de-innovation? Or are we feeding these beasts with a new hand? By Pratima Harigunanen_US
dc.subjectPage-12-“Open RAN describes a type of RAN deployment where interfaces within the RAN domain are opened or, in other words, where RAN elements from different companies can communicate with each other.” Rémy Pascal, Principal Analyst, Mobile infrastructure, Omdiaen_US
dc.subjectPage-12-“It is essential to determine both that the components conform to the appropriate standards in isolation and that they work together as a unit. Skipping the conformance testing step and performing only interoperability testing would be like an aircraft manufacturer building a plane from untested parts and then only checking to see if it flies.” John Baker, Senior Vice President, Business Development at Maveniren_US
dc.subjectPage-17-“Open RAN is often viewed as a magic architecture that will level the playing field and result in a changing supplier dynamics.” Stefan Pongratz, VP and analyst for RAN and Telecom Capex, Dell’Oro Group, Incen_US
dc.subjectPage-20Catalysing digital transformation with cloud for Banking Banking can no longer be constricted by physical branches, legacy systems or segmented databases. Leveraging the cloud infrastructure will play a big role in this transformation. By Kishan Sundaren_US
dc.subjectPage-28-Why a 5G Delay Can Benefit India A 5G delay works in favor of policy development. Telcos had demanded a year’s extension on 5G trials but have got just 6 months. The three largest telcos have developed a lot of interesting use cases. Reliance Jio has taken an early lead with a variety of enterprise-oriented use cases. However, Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea have also caught up with the market leadeen_US
dc.subjectPage-32-Metaverse, and 5G – A New Synergy for the Future A metaverse represents a great monetization opportunity. Demand for devices will grow and Qualcomm is looking at a $700 billion opportunity. As smartphone mobiles would become the first devices used to access the metaverse By Hemant Kashyapen_US
dc.subjectPage-40-Monetization in Satcom – Should the Players Focus on B2B? Satcom players are sitting on a multi-billion-dollar opportunity.India alone has millions of people who have no access to the internet. A policy framework to facilitate satellite communications will bring Internet to every nook and corner By Hemant Kashyapen_US
dc.subjectPage-44-Network Modernization - The Core for Digital Transformation Strategies Next Different applications have different bandwidth requirements. Different policies and bandwidth thresholds can be set and automation can help enterprises provision resources automatically based on demand By Manoj Chitgopekeren_US
dc.subjectPage-48-5G and Drones: Wings in Progress What new intersections or flyovers are shaping up as the drone technology enters the connectivity city? Let’s take an aerial view and find out By Voice & Data Teamen_US
dc.subjectPage-49-“Various technologies will be used to maintain a connection with the drone, including cellular networks (both 4G and 5G).” Bill Ray, VP Analyst, Emerging Technologies and Trends, Gartneren_US
dc.subjectPage-54-5Gi to Merge with Global 5G Standards The ITU approved India-Specific Standard is now all set to merge with the Global 3GPP Standardraising hopes for the future of 5Gi. By Hemant Kashyapen_US
dc.subjectPage-58-5G Rollout by August 2022: Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Dr. SP Kochhar, DG, COAI Talking at the DQDeepTech 2021, Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Dr. SP Kochhar, the Director-General at Cellular Operators Association of India, shed some light on the 5G rollout, and the work ongoing on the same. The COAI DG said that if the government solves all the issues the industry has, India will see a 5G rollout by mid-August 2022 By Hemant Kashyapen_US
dc.subjectPage-62-Social Media and Public Good – Can a Synergy Develop? Facebook’s products harm children, stoke division and weaken our democracy. The company’s leadership knows how to make Facebook and Instagram safer but won’t make the necessary changes because they have put their astronomical profits before people. – Frances Haugen By Hemant Kashyapen_US
dc.titleVOICE & DATAen_US
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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