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Page-06-DQ Team e
Page-07-First Page
Page-14-Looking beyond Industry 4.0
Page-19-Finding light at the end of the tunnel
Page-22-How bits and bytes can help infrastructure brick and mortar
Page-25-Cross the barriers and win actionable data insights
Page-28-With pandemic push, the future is already here and now
Page-31-Is your cyber fortress as strong as you think it is?
Page-42-Jazz up the graphics in real-time
Page-46-Essential lessons for tomorrow’s business
Page-48-Let’s take the game to the next level
Page-53-IBM Watson to explore how AI can mitigate advertising bias
Page-54-From stress test to tech test: Pandemic lessons learnt
Page-60-Rise of SaaS in the Indian tech journey
Issue Date: Jul-2021
Publisher: Cybermedia
Series/Report no.: Vol-XXXVIII;Number-07
Appears in Collections:Dataquest

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