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Keywords: COMMENTARY-24-Blocking and the legal way forward
NEWS ANALYSIS-28-Harping on "Made in India"
TECHNOLOGY-30-Getting trustworthy culture right
TECHNOLOGY-35-Defining DDoS defence design
TECHNOLOGY-38-Get ready to face the unknown
OTT REPORT-40- Becoming box clever
OTT INTERVIEW-46-Domestic player are heavily focused on regional content
OTT INTERVIEW-47-Local and relatable content gives India OTT an edge
TECHNOLOGY-52-Transformation that works
TECHNOLOGY-54-Time for change in mindset
OTT INTERVIEW-48-Content with cultural ethos garners better numbers-Kailasnath Adhikari
OTT INTERVIEW-49-Those not thinking of regional will be left out of the game
VIEW POINT-56-Walking the digital dream
VIEW POIN-72-Transforming the future of technology
TRENDS-66-Clipping the charger wires
REGULARS-07-Opening Note
REGULARS-68-News Bytes
REGULARS-74-Editor's Note
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publisher: Cybermedia
Series/Report no.: VOL-27;ISSUE-07
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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