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dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 30;Number 3-
dc.subjectExperimental plant research and the discovery of carbon dioxide-mediated global greening: a tribute to Wilhelm Pfeffer (1845-1920) U. Kutschera· R. Khannaen_US
dc.subjectArare transgenic event of rice with Agrobacterium binary vector backbone integration at the right T-DNA border junction V. Rajapriya· P. Kannan· G. Sridevi . K. Veluthambien_US
dc.subjectIntegration of small RNAs, degradome, and transcriptome sequencing provides insights into the differences between Shizhu ginseng and Yuan ginseng M. Peng· Y. Chen- W. Wang· Z. He· W. Dai· Z. Lin· Z. Yang· M. Gong· Y. Yin . B. Han . Y. Zeng . Y. Wangen_US
dc.subjectIdentification of wheat DNA-binding with one finger (Dof) transcription factor in genomic sequence of Triticum aestivum chromosome 2 B. Pandey Shefali . S.K. Singh· G.P. Singh· P. Sharmaen_US
dc.subjectGenome-wide identification of phospholipase C related to chilling injury in peach fruit K.Wang· Y. Li· S. Chenen_US
dc.subjectPyramiding Ty-l/Ty-3, Ty-2, ty-S and ty-6 genes into tomato hybrid to develop resistance against tomato leaf curl viruses and recurrent parent genome recovery by ddRAD sequencing method P. Prabhandakavi . R. Pogiri . R. Kumar- S. Acharya . R. Esakky . M. Chakraborty· R. Pinnamaneni . S.R. Palicherlaen_US
dc.subjectRole of disulfide linkages in structure and activity of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor from Trigonellafoenum-graecum (fenugreek) seeds and its porphyrin binding studies H. Pallavi . O. Rajenderen_US
dc.subjectAgrobacterium tumefaciens decaprenyl diphosphate synthase produced in Escherichia coli H. Yadav· K. Malik· S. Parmar· S. Kumar· P.K. Jaiwalen_US
dc.subjectMolecular mapping of popping volume QU in popcorn (Zea maize L.) S.Thakur . R. Kumar· Y. Vikal . P. Vyas . I. Sheikh- H.S. Dhaliwalen_US
dc.subjectSSR marker-based study of the effects of genomic regions on Fe, Mn, Zn, and protein content in a rice diversity panel A. Sabouri . E. Nasiri . M. Esfahani . A. Forghanien_US
dc.subjectMetabolic response of cyanide in Haematococcus pluvialis H. Mansouri- H. Rezazadeh . C. Faralonien_US
dc.subjectParthenogenesis and apogamy in unpolIinated ovary culture of leek (Allium tuberosum Roxb.) SJ. Yang· L. Peng . H.Q. Tianen_US
dc.subjectStudy of high temperature stress induced damage and recovery in photosystem II (PSII) and photosystem I (PSI) in Spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracia) D. Agrawal- A. Jajooen_US
dc.subjectEffect of putrescine and proline on profties of GABA, antioxidant activities in leaves of three Citrus species in response to low temperature stress S. Mohammadrezakhani . F. Rezanejad . J. Hajilouen_US
dc.subjectIdentification and cloning of GbMADS6, a SOCI homolog gene involved in floral development in Ginkgo biloba Z. Feng· T. Yang· M. Li· J. Dong· G. Wang· Q. Wang· Y. Wangen_US
dc.subjectTranscriptome analysis reveals salinity responses in four Tartary buckwheat cultivars J.-N. Song· X.-H. Liu . Y.-Q. Wang· H.-B. Yangen_US
dc.subjectThe physiological and biochemical responses to engineered green graphene/metal nanocomposites in Stevia rebaudiana S. Nokandeh . M. Ramezani . M. Gerarnien_US
dc.subjectPreparation of ZnO nanoparticles using Tragopogon Collin us leaf extract and study of its antibacterial effects for therapeutic applications R. Seifipour . M. Nozari . L. Pishkaren_US
dc.subjectSolanum torvum mediated synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles for antibacterial activities R. Renuka . K. Renuka Devi . M. Sivakarni . T. Thilagavathien_US
dc.subjectBio-based synthesis of nano silver using Tridax procumbens leaf extract and its impacts on germination and metabolic activity of Solanum lycopersicum L. R.K. Yadav . N.B. Singh A. Singh· V. Yadav . K.M. Niharika· S. Khareen_US
dc.subjectPhyto-synthesis and Characterization of Potent Larvicidal Silver Nanoparticles Using Nyctanthes arbortristis Leaf Extract N. Satsangi . S. Preeten_US
dc.subjectPhysiological and proteomics insights into salt tolerance of two Jerusalem artichoke cultivars M. Yang· X. Sun· J. Zhu . Y. Liu . N. Chen- G. Zhaoen_US
dc.subjectBiosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using leaf extract of Salvadora persica and its role in boosting urease performance via immobilization R.K. Singh- Jyoti . P.K. Srivastava O. Prakashen_US
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