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Genome recoding: a review of basic concepts, current research and future prospects of virus attenuation for controlling plant viral diseases V. Kumar· T. Singh
Morphological and molecular characterization of new plant type core set for yield and culm strength traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) R. Bagudam . K.B. Eswari . J. Badri . G.L. Devi . L.R.K. JaiVidhya . P. Bhavani . G. Swathi . M. Bharath . P.R. Rao . J.A. Kumar . R.A. Fiyaz . C.N. Neeraja . L.V.S. Rao . T. Ram
Enhanced expression of Arabidopsis rubisco small subunit gene promoter regulated Cry lAc gene in chickpea conferred complete resistance to Helicoverpa armigera N. Hazarika· S. Acharjee· R.R. Boruah· K. Babar· S. Parimi . B. Char· J. Armstrong· A. Moore· T.J.V. Higgins· B.K. Sarmah
Differences in immunity between pathogen-resistant and -susceptible yam cultivars reveal insights into disease prevention underlying ethylene supplementation S. Hua· Z. Chen· L. Li . K.-H. Lin . Y. Zhang· J. Yang· S.-P. Chen
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Morphological and molecular screening of rice germplasm lines for low soil P tolerance R.R. Kale· M. Anila· H.K. Mahadeva Swamy . V.P. Bhadana· Ch.V. Durga Rani· P. Senguttuvel . D. Subrahmanyam . S.K. Hajira . G. Rekha· M. Ayyappadass . B. Laxmiprasanna . E. Punniakotti .M.B.V.N. Kousik· S. Kulkarni· T. Dilip· P. Sinha· G. Harika . K. Pranathi . K. Chaitra . M.S. Anantha .. P. Brajendra . L.V. Subbarao· S.M. Balachandran· S.K. Mangrauhuia· R.M. Sundaram
BdERF96 interacts with BdASRI to specifically respond to drought and oxidative stress in Brachypodium distachyon J.S. Yoon . Y.W. Seo
Highly conserved TaPsto15AS-l, a wheat ortholog of OsPstoll has undergone a high selection pressure G. Hari-Gowthem· P. Sharma 1.Yadav . S. Kaur· P. Chhuneja
Factors affecting in vitro regeneration of Ficus carica L. and genetic fidelity studies using molecular marker M. Moniruzzaman· Z. Yaakob· N. Anuar
Molecular cloning, expression and in-silico characterization of rosmarinic acid synthase from Ocimum tenuijlorum L. M.K. Suthar· P.M. Purohit- P.L. Saran
Differential DNA methylation in regulation of deacetylvindoline- 4-0-acetyl transferase (DAT) gene in Catharanthus roseus N.C. Parashar· G. Parashar· H. Nayyar· R. Sandhir
Mapping novel sources of leaf rust and stripe rust resistance introgressed from Triticum dicoccoides in cultivated tetraploid wheat background A.F. Elkot· R. Singh· S. Kaur· J. Kaur· P. Chhuneja
Phenolic compounds involved in pine wilt disease: HPLC-based method development and validation for their quantification S. Canas- C.S. Trindade . B. Sun . P. Naves
Production of an epigenetic mutant population of Populus nigra: DNA methylation and phenotype analyses S. Zhong· Y. Gao· J. Lu . C. Ding· X. Su . B. Zhang
Genomic analysis of polycarpellary rice (Oryza sativa L.) through whole genome resequencing S.P. Das . R.S. Jasrotia- D. Deb- M.A. Iquebal . S. Jaiswal . N. Dey
Structure-based prediction of protein-protein interactions between GhWlim5 Domainl and GhACTIN-l proteins: a practical evidence with improved fibre strength A. Iqbal· A. Latif· D.W. Galbraith· B. Jabbar· M.A. Ali . M. Ahmed· A. Gul . A.Q. Rao . A.A. Shahid· T. Husnain
In vitro evaluation of antioxidant and antibacterial properties of supercritical CO2 extracted essential oil from clove bud (Syzygium aromaticum) M. Das . S. Roy· C. Guha . A.K. Saha .M. Singh
Iron homeostasis regulates maturation of tomato (climacteric) and capsicum (non-climacteric) fruits R. Shakya N. Singh- S.c. Bhatia
Electrochemical and antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized using Mukia madarasapattana leaf extract K. Anandalakshmi . J. Venugobal
Exogenous dsRNA-mediated field protection against Pigeonpea sterility mosaic emaravirus B.L. Patil . R. Raghu . M. Dangwal . M. Byregowda . A. Voloudakis
Issue Date: Apr-2021
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume 30;Number 2
ISSN: 0974-1275
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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