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dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 61;Number 1-
dc.subjectIntegration and Potential Application Ability of Culturable Functional Microorganism in Oil Tea Camellia C. Liu : L. Chen' Z. He' Z',Zhang' Y. Xu' Z. Li· Y. Peng· N. Deng· Y. Chenen_US
dc.subjectRecent Clinical Trials on Natural Products and Traditional Chinese Medicine Combating the COVID-19 S.H. Nile· G. Kaien_US
dc.subjectDo Maternal Microbes Shape Newborn Oral Microbes? S. Wu . F. Yu . L. Ma . Y. Zhao . X. Zheng . X. Li . Z. Li . X. He . J. Zhouen_US
dc.subjectThe Use of the Rare ITA Codon in Streptomyces Genes: Significance of the Codon Context? S. Silov . N. Zaburannyi . M. Anisimova . B. Ostashen_US
dc.subjectFactors Affecting Bacterial Adhesion on Selected Textile Fibres S. Varshney . A. Sain . D. Gupta' S. Sharmaen_US
dc.subjectMetagenornic Analysis of the Faecal Microbiome of Rats with 1, 2-Dimethylhydrazine Induced Colon Cancer and Prophylactic Whole-Cell Carotenoid Intervention S. Gomathinayagam- G. Kodiveri Muthukaliannanen_US
dc.subjectRhus vernicifera Laccase Immobilization on Magnetic Nanopartic1es to Improve Stability and Its Potential Application in Bisphenol A Degradation S.K.S. Patel' R.K. Gupta' S.-Y. Kim' I.-W. Kim' V.C. Kalia' J.-K. Leeen_US
dc.subjectPathogenic Microbial Profile and Antibiotic Resistance Associated with Periodontitis R. Ansiliero : J.M.L.N. Gelinski- Q.L. Samistraro : C.M. Baratto : C.A. Almeida' C. Locatellien_US
dc.subjectAutoinducer-2 Could Affect Biofilm Formation by Food-Derived Bacillus cereus N. Lee' M.-D. Kim' M.-C. Limen_US
dc.subjectLactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris of Plant Origin Produces Antifungal Cyc1o-(Leu-Pro) and Tetradecanoic Acid M. Gajbhiye . B. Kapadnisen_US
dc.subjectA Preliminary Assessment of Skin Microbiome Diversity of Zebrafish (Danio rerio): South African Pet Shop Fish W.G. Coetzer : L.M. Coetzee : E.D. Cason' J.P. Grobler : S.R. Schneider' C.E. Boucheren_US
dc.subjectAntifungal Activity In Vitro and In Vivo of Mesquite Extract (Prosopis glandulosa) Against Phytopathogenic Fungi A.N. Lopez-Anchondo D. Lopez-de la Cruz' E. Gutierrez-Reyes- J.C. Castaneda-Ramirez' N.M. De la Fuente-Salcidoen_US
dc.subjectEfficient Editing of an Adenoviral Vector Genome with CRISPR/Cas Q. Li· H. Wang· C. Gong· Z. Chen' J. Yang' H. Shao- W. Zhangen_US
dc.subjectPrevalence of Histidine Decarboxylase Genes of Gram-Positive Bacteria in Surstriimming as Revealed by qPCR L. Belleggia- V. Milanovic F. Cardinali' C. Garofalo' F. Clementi' L. Aquilanti : A. Osimanien_US
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