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Title: Voice & Data
Keywords: Voice & Data
cover story-08- Intermediary matters Trump’s order to prevent censorship by social media platforms has highlighted the fault line that always existed. Is it time for India to strengthen its legal provisions as well?
COMMENTARY-14-Between the devil and the deep blue sea
ANALYSIS-16 -Marriages on the card for Indian telcos
ANALYSIS-18-Rise of the mobile ecosystem
REPORT-20-Dusting the pandemic off
TECHNOLOGY-28-Getting ready for a trillion-dollar economy
TECHNOLOGY-32-How fast, furious, and fictile
VIEWPOINT-36-Transforming local communities
VIEWPOINT-38-Making it real
TECHNOLOGY-40-Resilient, distributed enterprises
TECHNOLOGY-44-COVID renews focus on secure mobility management strategy
VIEWPOINT-46-Remote-managing the business
VIEWPOINT-48-Keeping India connected
COMMENTARY-50-Overcoming 5G adoption barriers
TREND-52-Riding high on the new normal
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Series/Report no.: VOL-27;ISSUE-06
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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