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Title: Voice & Data
Keywords: Voice & Data
08-cover story The wires untangle some more Cloud-centric workloads, application-led working styles; how long could WAN stay away from the software-ization switch? Let’s see if all nails have come off or not
16-Building a resilient and flexible network
SD-WAN-20 “SD-WAN at branch needs to detect and respond to threats in real-time” Mahesh Srinivas
SD-WAN-22 “SDN and SD-WAN should not be seen as alternatives to MPLS” Prashant Gupta
SD-WAN-24 “Secure SD-WAN lays a strong foundation for Digital Transformation” Rajagopalan Rajappa
SD-WAN-26 “The rise of internet and SD-WAN doesn’t mean the death of MPLS” Rajat Arora
SD-WAN-28 “The concept of intent-based networking will come into play” Ritesh Doshi
VIEWPOINT-30 Communicate, collaborate, celebrate
VIEWPOINT-38 For Digital India, kick-start 5G rollout after COVID
Interview-42 Meeting bombing is an end-user behaviour pattern Sameer Rajee
TECHNOLOGY-47-Extending security infrastructure to work-from-home
INNOVATION-50-Building democratized networks
TECHNOLOGY-52-Scaling up network in post-COVID world
TECHNOLOGY-54-Getting ready for a digital identity era
TECHNOLOGY-58-Time for ‘Make in India’ to go stronger
REGULARS 07 Opening Note 62 News Bytes 65 Editor’s Note
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: CyberMedia
Series/Report no.: VOL-27;ISSUE-05
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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