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Title: Voice and Data
Keywords: Voice and Data
[INTERV IEW] AD FRAUD-14 “Right ML algorithms can sniff out potential fraud schemes” - Vasuta Agarwal
[INTERV IEW] AD FRAUD-16 “Switch from CPC to CPA model to put a curb on ad fraud” - Dakshen Ram
[INTERV IEW] AD FRAUD-18 “Regulations may very well help counter ad fraud” - Moneka Khurana
[INTERV IEW] AD FRAUD-20 “SMBs with limited budget remain highly vulnerable” - Amit Relan
TECHNOLOGY-22 The new enterprise mantra
TECHNOLOGY-24 End of the router as we know it
VIEWPOINT-26 Rise of automated customer service
VIEWPOINT-26 Rise of automated customer service
VIEWPOINT-28 From holding a ‘brick’ to touching a screen
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-30 The internet comes to India - Brijendra K Syngal
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-34 The transformation catalyst - Prakash Kumar
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-36 Tale of growth and empowerment - TV Ramachandran
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-38 Getting internet for all - Subho Ray
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-41 Bijli, pani, internet - Aman Singh
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-44 World Wide Web magic - Amitabh Singhal
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-50 Rise of the data networks - Vishant Vora
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-52 The past, present, and future - Ivo Ivanov
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-54 Tryst with digital empowerment - Dr. Keshab Panda
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-56 Food for digital souls - Manish Vyas
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-58 Unlocking enterprise growth opportunities - Rakesh Goyal
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-60 For a digitally connected future - Rajesh Kumar S
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-64 Meeting aspirations of a billion Indians - Shivaji Chatterjee
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-66 Securing the connected society - Shibu Paul
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-68 Shaping the digital future - Abhishek Latthe
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-70 Managing internet era threats - Adam Palmer
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-72 Fuelling the future of work - Arun Balasubramanian
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-74 Safer, smoother, faster - Gaurang Sinha
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-76 Reimagining financial services - Girish Utagi
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-78 Catalyzing socio-economic growth - R Arun Prasath
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-80 Rebooting Indian economy - Sundar Ramaswamy
25 years [INTERNET IN INDIA]-82 The great leveller - Vipul Singh
REGULARS 07 Opening Note
Issue Date: Sep-2020
Publisher: CyberMedia
Series/Report no.: VOL 27;ISSUE 09
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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