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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVOL 27;ISSUE 12-
dc.subjectcover storyen_US
dc.subjectTRENDS Chugging along the digital pathwaysen_US
dc.subjectThe five musketeers of 2021en_US
dc.subjectForging ahead into the connected futureen_US
dc.subjectPandemic drives the changeen_US
dc.subjectGet ready for more cloud in financial sectoren_US
dc.subjectBuilding a better, secure payments futureen_US
dc.subjectBROADBAND BYTES It’s time to realize optimal spectrum pricing TV Ramachandran President, Broadband India Forumen_US
dc.subject“Speed versus quality is a classic balancing act” Mark Weaseren_US
dc.subjectCOMMENTARY Prepare for a flexible futureen_US
dc.subjectSTRATEGY Strengthen your network security chainen_US
dc.subjectTECHNOLOGY Seamless and secureen_US
dc.subject“SD-WAN is now on the investment priority list” Vinish Bawaen_US
dc.subjectREPORT KYC- and OTPrelated scams up, unwanted calls downen_US
dc.subjectREPORT KYC- and OTPrelated scams up, unwanted calls downen_US
dc.subjectSmartwatches, hearables surge aheaden_US
dc.subjectahead Its broadband for all and satcom everywhereen_US
dc.titleVOICE & DATAen_US
Appears in Collections:Voice and Data

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