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dc.publisherCSIR -N ational Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources, CSIRen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVOL.58B;NUMBER 3-
dc.subjectIndian Journal of Chemistryen_US
dc.subjectEnantiospecific syntheses of oxacyclodecanes from carvone via mild Lewis acid mediated etherifcationen_US
dc.subjectFacile enantiospecific syntheses of oxabicyclo- 14.4.0)decene-diones from carvone via mild Lewis acid mediated lactonizationsen_US
dc.subjectSynthesis of new 4-substitued-l-(4-amino phenyl)- 5,6-dihydropyridine-2(lH)-one sulfonamide conjugates and evaluation of their anti-microbial activityen_US
dc.subjectSynthesis, QSRT studies and antibacterial activity of 4-aryl-3-chloro-l-(3,5-dimethyl-isoxazol-4-yl)- azetidin-2-onesen_US
dc.subjectIn silico study for the prediction of multiple pharmacological activities of novel hydrazone derivativesen_US
dc.subjectDesign of novel JNKI inhibitors using molecular modeling technique: An in silico approachen_US
dc.subjectSynthesis of a novel 2-vinyl indoleen_US
dc.subjectSynthesis of (3-chloro-I-phenylsulfonylindol-2- ylmethyl) methylamineen_US
dc.titleIndian Journal of Chemistryen_US
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