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Title: Indian Journal of Chemistry
Keywords: Indian Journal of Chemistry
Synthesis, molecular docking and evaluation of hypolipidemic activities of .novel benzophenone carboxarnide derivatives
Synthesis and antibacterial activity of novel coumarin-chalcone hybrids
Theoretical study of the sigmatropic rearrangement of cyc1oprop-2-en-l-ol and its fluorine derivatives: Pericyc1ic or pseudopericyclic character from ICS and LLPE
Antioxidant activity of new allelochemical isolated from Lagascea mollis Cav.
Issue Date: May-2019
Publisher: CSIR -N ational Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources, CSIR
Series/Report no.: VOL. S8B;NUMBERS 5
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (Che and ENVS)

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