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Title: Indian Journal of Biotechnology
Keywords: Indian Journal of Biotechnology
House of industrially important bioactive metabolites: A review on actinobacteria
Physicochemical properties of free and calcium alginate immobilized alkaline pectin lyase from Bacillus cereus
Quantificationof classical swine fever virus load by one-step TaqMan real-time RT-PCR assay
Salinity mediated enhancement in protein and pigment content in Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis
Molecular phylogeny and spectral characteristics of selected soil crust cyanobacteria from tea gardens of Darjeeling (India)
A studyon the differentiation of filamentous cyanobacterial isolates using DNA fingerprinting approach
In vitro regeneration, callus induction and rhizogenesis in Ficus krishnae: An rare endangered plant
Issue Date: Oct-2019
Publisher: CSIR
Series/Report no.: Volume 18;Number 8
ISSN: 0972-5849
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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