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Title: Indian Journal of Biotechnology
Keywords: Indian Journal of Biotechnology
Comparative analysis of conventional and real time PCR for detection of haemoparasites in dogs
A humoral immune response study of concoction of recombinant FopA, DnaK and GroEL in mouse model as vaccine candidate against Francisella tularensis
Serum based screening and molecular detection of brucellosis in ruminants
Characterization of sperm heparin binding proteins (HBPs) using polyclonal antibodies raised against seminal plasma HBPs: application in buffalo bull fertility
Arsenite-oxidation performance of microbes from abandoned iron ore mine
Laccase gene silencing negatively effects growth and development in Pleurotus ostreatus
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Fagopyrum esculentum starch: Antifungal, antibacterial 52 activity and its cytotoxicity
Issue Date: Jan-2019
Publisher: CSIR
Series/Report no.: Volume 18;Number 1
ISSN: 0972-5849
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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