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Title: Indian Journal of Microbiology
Keywords: Indian Journal of Microbiology
Deploying Biomolecules as Anti-COVID-19 Agents
Overview of Alternaria alternata Membrane Proteins
Complement Evasion Strategies of Human Pathogenic Bacteria
A Recent Overview of Microbes and Microbiome Preservation
Prediction of Transcription Factors and Their Involvement in Regulating Rifamycin Production in Amycolatopsis mediterranei S699
Biomethanol Production from Methane by Immobilized Co-cultures of Methanotrophs
Comparative Genomics of a Paddy Field Bacterial Isolate Ochrobactrum sp. CPD-03: Analysis of Chlorpyrifos Degradation Potential
Optimization of Biosynthesis Conditions for the Production of Exopolysaccharides by Lactobacillus plantarum SP8 and the Exopolysaccharides Antioxidant Activity Test
Dried Biomass of Arthrospira platensis Inhibits Growth of Aureobasidium pullulans LW14 and Some Bacteria When Added to Unpasteurised Apple Juice
Relationship Between Main Channel Structure of Catalases and the Evolutionary Direction in Cold-Adapted Hydrogen Peroxide-Tolerant Exiguobacteium and Psychrobacter
Bacterial and Archaeal Communities within an Ultraoligotrophic, High-altitude Lake in the Pre-Himalayas of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
VBA-AMF: A VBA Program Based on the Magnified Intersections Method for Quantitative Recording of Root Colonization by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Bioactive Pigments from Isolated Bacteria and Its Antibacterial, Antioxidant and Sun Protective Application Useful for Cosmetic Products
Combinatorial Biobleaching of Mixedwood Pulp with Lignolytic and Hernicellulolytic Enzymes for Paper Making
Atrazine Bioremediation and Its Influence on Soil Microbial Diversity by Metagenomics Analysis
Tryptic Mapping Based Structural Insights of Endo-l, 4-I3-Xylanase from Thermomyces lanuginosus VAPS-24
A Lesson Learned from the Outbreak of COVID-19 in Korea
Understanding SARS-CoV-2: Genetic Diversity, Transmission and Cure in Human
The Fountain of Microbial World: Prof. Santosh Kumar Goyal
The Visionary Torch Bearer of Indian Agriculture: Prof. Virender Lal Chopra
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume 60;Number 3
ISSN: 0046-8991
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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