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Title: Indian Journal of Microbiology
Keywords: Indian Journal of Microbiology
A Review on Occurrence of Pesticides in Environment and Current Technologies for Their Remediation and Management
April 2020
Zoonosis: An Emerging Link to Antibiotic Resistance Under "One Health Approach"
Functional Analysis of a Glutamine Biosynthesis Protein from a Psychrotrophic Bacterium, Cryobacterium soli GCJ02
Characterization of Cellobiohydrolases from Schizophyllum commune KMJ820
Optimizing In vitro Culture Conditions for the Biotrophic Fungi Exobasidium vexans Through Response Surface Methodology
Green Synthesis of the Flavor Esters with a Marine Candida parapsilosis Esterase Expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Cytotoxic Effect of Prodigiosin, Natural Red Pigment, Isolated from Serratia marcescens UFPEDA 398
Respiratory Bacterial Microbiota and Individual Bacterial Variability in Lung Cancer and Bronchiectasis Patients
Comparison of Swabbing Solution Volume and gDNA Extraction Kits on DNA Recovery from Rigid Surface
Bacterial Community Dynamics During Nursery Rearing of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Revealed via High-Throughput Sequencing
Age- and Sex-Linked Bacterial Community Variation and Function Prediction from Insoles of Healthy Chinese Population
Difference of Phenotype and Genotype Between Human and Environmental: Isolated Vibrio cholerae in Surabaya, Indonesia
16S rRNA Gene-Based Analysis Reveals the Effects of Gestational Diabetes on the Gut Microbiota of Mice During Pregnancy
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Volume 60;Number 2
ISSN: 0046-8991
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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