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Title: Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Keywords: Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
January 2020
The Standard Model from Es·Exceptional Lie Groups
Strengthening the Light-speed Postulate, Classical Zitterbewegung and Quantum Propagation
Fractal-like Stein Spaces and Exceptional Lie Groups in Particle Physics
A Historical Account of the Exceptional Lie Symmetry Groups and E-infinity Spacetime Theory
El Naschie's E-Infinity Cantorian Spacetime and Group Theory for Projective Relativity
Complex, Quatemionic and Octonionic Quantum Mechanics: Part I Complex Quantum Mechanics
From George Cantor and the Road to E-Infinity
Exceptional E8 Lie Symmetry Group and the Fuzzy Version of a Hyperbolic Manifold based on the 120-cell Coxeter Polytopes Proposed by El Naschie for High Energy Particle Physics
Issue Date: Jan-2020
Series/Report no.: Volume 11;Number 1
ISSN: 0976-6235
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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