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Title: International Journal of Software Engineering and Computing
Keywords: Energy Efficiency Index of Ambulatories and Hospitals
A Viable System Model for the Maritime and Port Logistics Cluster in Cartagena de Indias
Text Analysis Frame Work for Mining Knowledge from Text Data
Experimental Study on Concrete in-Filled Light Gauge Steel Hollow Sections
Experimental Study on Concrete in-Filled Light Gauge Steel Hollow Sections
Higher Order Sliding Mode Control of Electromagnetic Suspension System
Swarm Based Novel Energy Aware Clustering Algorithm for WSN in Realtime Applications
Novel Hashing with Reduced Collision - Fast Hashing Algorithm (FHA)
Content Based Image Classification using Edge Detection Techniques
Issue Date: Dec-2019
Publisher: International Science Press
Series/Report no.: Vol : 11;No : 2
ISSN: 2229-7413
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (MCA)

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