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Title: Indian Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering
Keywords: Real-time Ultrasonic Rail Health Monitoring System for Both HeavyHaul Loads and High Speed Train - South Africa Overview
Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Flows in A Flat Slit Channel
Extended Krauss Deformation Gradient Decomposition of Single Director Shells made ofElaso-plastic Materials
Behavioural Analysis of Fiber Optical Sensor Beam Targeted to a Flat Surface with Various Texture
The Calculation Analysis of Different Mortar Materials on the Mechanical Properties of the Grouting Strengthening Masonry Structureg
Smart Enhanced Assumed Strain Element of Smart Laminated Plates
Issue Date: Dec-2019
Publisher: Academic Research
Series/Report no.: volume 7;Issue 2
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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