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Title: International Journal of Information Technology and Management
Keywords: Rationalizing Power Trading in Economically Backward States in India
Sierpinski Curve for Agarwal Orbit
Keyword Advertising and Trademark Infringement
Empowering Smart Cities with Energy Supply Models
Effect of Green Supply Chain Management on Organization's Performance An Empirical Evidence with reference to Automobile Industry using fuzzy AHP Method
Transformation of Emigration Services in India through E-governance: Enabling Safe 51-58 Migration and Efficient Services for Indian Citizens and Diaspora
Online Activities, Interests and Opinions ofInternet Users in India
Social Media Marketing - An Effective Competitive Intelligence Tool
An Exploratory Study on e-HRM: A Comparison ofIndian and Multinational Organizations
Issue Date: Jun-2018
Publisher: Serials Publications
Series/Report no.: Vol. 10;No. 1
ISSN: 0975 2099
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BBA)

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