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Title: International Journal of Soft Computing and Bioinformatics
Keywords: Mass Attenuation Coefficients of Cr, Ni, Cu, and Ag elements (24 < z < 47) by Using Gamma Energy at 279.30 keV
Studies on biosorption of Cadmium on Psidium guajava leaves powder using statistical experimental design
Biochemical Variation Studies in Aegle marmelos (1.) Corr - A medicinally important plant
Ground state properties: Gross orbital charges, orbital energy and net atomic charges of phenol and its some derivatives
Non-edible oils as the potential source for the production of biodiesel in India: A review
Evaluation of Ground water quality in the vicinity of Jindal ferroalloys corporation, Visakhapatnam Dt.(A.P.)
Clinical biochemistry approaches of cardiac failure among diabetic patients
A Discriminating UV-Spectrophotometric Method for In-Vitro Dissolution 59-63 Study of Sertraline Hydrochloride in Tablet Dosage Form
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: International Science Press
Series/Report no.: Vol : 10;No : 1
ISSN: 0975-816X
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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