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Title: Indian Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering
Keywords: Studies on Controlled Release Fertilizer of Potassium Chloride Made with Mamure Matrix
Model Development for Mass Transfer Function with Coaxially Displaced Disc as Turbulent Promoter in Tube
Micromechanics of a Thin Film Piezoelectric Sensor
Novel Approach to Estimation of Ground State Energies of Shallow and Deep Donors in Tetrahedrally Bonded Semiconductors
Studies on Drying Kinetics of Prawn Head in a Batch Dryer
Artificial Neural Networks Vs Nanotechnology
Experimental Analysis of Sisal Nanofluids in a Shell Coil Heat Exchanger
2D Analytical Solutions of the Liquid Bridge Surrounding a Punch
The Nanoindentation Finite Element Numerical Simulations and Reverse Analysis of Zeolite Sodalite Single Crystal
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: Academic research
Series/Report no.: Vol : 7;No : 1
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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