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Title: Karma Kshetra
Keywords: Karma Kshetra
CENTRAL BANK-Specialist Officer-1163
VHABA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTER-1.Security Guard and Assistant Security Officer Post-73
WEST BENGAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT-General duty Medical Officer and Block Medical Officer-1497
NORTH-WEST RAILWAY-Apprentice Post-2029
HINDUSTAN COPIER-1. Attendant cum Junior 2. Technician Trainee 3. Operator cum Technician Trainee 4. Clerical Category Trainee and Paramedical Category Trainee
PURBO MIDANAPURE DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT-Accredited Social health Activities (Ashakormi)
C. I. S. F.-Sportsman Post-300
Issue Date: 13-Nov-2019
Appears in Collections:Karma Kshetra

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