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dc.publisherGlobal Research Publicationsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol : 9;No : 1-
dc.subjectLOT in Fuel Station and Service Station Locationen_US
dc.subjectLeak Detection in an JOTenable Liquid Transmission Systemen_US
dc.subjectPerformance Evaluation and Computer Simulation of Multipath Transmission Control Protocolen_US
dc.subjectA Review on Affective Computingen_US
dc.subjectIntruder Notification System & Security in Cloud Computing: A Reviewen_US
dc.subjectSurvey of Microscopic Image Segmentation Techniques and Image Quality Measuresen_US
dc.subjectFinding Community in Social Network Based on Profile Attributesen_US
dc.subjectHybrid Energy Storage Devices based TET system design for Powering the ICP Devicesen_US
dc.subjectPower Quality Enhancement Using T-inverter Based Dynamic Voltage Restoreren_US
dc.titleIndian Journal of Engineering Research and Technologyen_US
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