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Title: Third order lowpass butterworth filters using unity gain current amplifiers
Other Titles: (In) IEICE Electronics Express
Authors: Nandi, R.
Kar, Mousiki
Keywords: Butterworth Filter
Current Amplifiers
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: ICICE
Series/Report no.: Vol. 6;No. 20
Abstract: Some new realizations of third order lowpass (LP) Butterworth filters using the CDBA and CFA type unity gains cells are presenred. The circuits are practically active insentitive to the device port tracking errors. Effects of the device parasitic capacitances on the nominal desing are insignificant which can be conveniently compensated. With suitable design alternate bandpass (BP) Butterworth charactaristics ,ay also be obtained.
ISSN: 1450-1455
Appears in Collections:Electronics and Communication Engineering (Publications)

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