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dc.publisherGlobal Research Publicationsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume : 8;No: 2-
dc.subjectOptimization of Energy Dissipation in Direct-Diffusion Two-Level Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy Routing Protocolen_US
dc.subjectEmpirical Evaluation of Aspect Oriented Software Quality Model Using Mutli-Criteria Decision Making Based AHP Approachen_US
dc.subjectAdvances in Web Crawlersen_US
dc.subjectSRR loaded Tapioca Leaf-Ahaped Patch with Fractal Ground for Multiband Applicationsen_US
dc.subjectPerformance Analysis ofWAP Gateway Over Web Server Using OPNETen_US
dc.subjectAutomatic Loop Shaping of Robust QFT Controller for Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor using Flower Pollination Algorithmen_US
dc.titleIndian Journal of Computer Graphics and Visualitationen_US
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