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Title: Journal of Biosciences
Keywords: Various responses of male pituitary-gonadal axis to different intensities of long-term exercise: Role of expression of KNDY-related genes
Complex interplay of lesion-specific DNA repair enzyme on bistranded clustered DNA damage harboring Tg:Gmismatch in nucleosome core particles
Evaluation of metabolic changes induced by polyphenols in the crayfish Astacus leptodactylus by metabolomics using Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy
PE-only /PE_PGRS proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis contain a conserved tetra-peptide sequence DEVS/DXXS that is a potential caspase-3 cleavage moti
Functional characterisation of romeharsha and clintl reaffirms the link between plasma membrane homeostasis, cell size maintenance and tissue homeostasis in developing zebrafish epidermis
Little imaginal discs, a Trithorax group member, is a constituent of nuclear matrix of Drosophila melanogaster embryo
An exploration of microbial and associated functional diversity in the OMZ and non-OMZ areas in the Bay of Bengal
Cover: Moth Chiasmia eIenora onMishra, pp 673-684.) ine plant in the early morning. (See article by S Ghosh and M by S Ghosh and M Mishra, pp 673-684.
Issue Date: Sep-2018
Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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