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Title: International Journal of GRID Computing and Multi Agent Systems
Keywords: Security in TCP/IP over Wireless Network
Rule Extraction from Neural Network: Comparison with Decision Tree Rule
Speech Identification and Recognition Using Data Mining
Enhancing Curriculum Acceptance among Students with E-Iearning 2.0
Architecture for Providing Knowledge As A Service (KaaS),A New Paradigm on Academic Cloud
Dynamic Cluster Resource Allocations for Jobs with Known Memory Demands
Object-maps based Adaptation for Case-based Planning
Face Images and Inferred Three-Dimensional Face Models used for Noncooperative Subject
Performance Comparison ofAd-hoc Network Routing Protocol Based on Throughput and Jitter in Network Simulator
A Step Toward Power Aware Routing Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Simulation Study of ZRPProtocol in MANET Using Realistic Parameter
Issue Date: Jun-2017
Publisher: International Science Press
Series/Report no.: Volume 8;No. 1
ISSN: 0975-8135
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (MCA)

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