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Title: Empirical analysis of radix sort using curve fitting technique in personal computer
Other Titles: (In) International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
Authors: Chakraborty, Arijit
Banerjee, Sanchari
Mitra, Avik
Das, Dipankar
Keywords: Curve Fitting
Empirical Analysis
Power Model
Radix Sort
Performance Analysis
Issue Date: Feb-2016
Publisher: IRJET
Series/Report no.: Vol. 3;Issue 2
Abstract: The proposed research article aims at analyzing empirically a non comparative integer sorting algorithm such as radix sort using known curve fitting technique(s) in a domestic computing machine (laptop) through various known curve fitting models using time performance as a metric. We have used eleven best known models to observe the behavioral pattern of radix sort on the fly and concluded that power model is the candidate model for best fit.
ISSN: 2395 -0056
Appears in Collections:BCA

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