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Title: Journal of Proteins and Proteomics
Keywords: Pattern Based Detection of Potentially Druggable Binding Sites by Ligand Screening
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Kinetic Resolution of Racemic alcohol using Burkholderia cepacia lipase in organic solvents
Molecular Docking Analysis of Secondary Metabolites of Stem Bark of Enantia chlorantha with Human Calcium Pump
Update in Root Proteomics with Special Reference to Abiotic Stresses: Achievements and Challenges
Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase: A Versatile Signaling Cascade in Plants
Using MicroSCaleThermophoresis to Easily Measure Binding Affinity
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: International science Press
Series/Report no.: Volume 9;No 1
ISSN: 0975-8151
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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