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Title: Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Keywords: Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnolgy
Biology of B. sorokiniana (syn. Cochliobolus sativus) in genomics era P.K. Gupta· N.K. Vasistha- R. Aggarwal A.K. Joshi 123
Cloning and molecular characterization of a ferulate-5-hydroxylase gene from water chestnuts (Trapa bicornis Osbeck.) F. Zhang· F. Wang· D. Li 139
Identification of functional flavonol synthase genes from fragrant wild cyclamen (Cyclamen purpurascens) Y. Akita . S. Kitamura- R. Mikami . H. Ishizaka 147
Genome-wide identification and abiotic stress responses of DGK gene family in maize Y. oe C. Zhao· L. He· B. Yan· J. Dong· Z. u K. Yang· J. Xu 156
Anti- VEGFR2 nanobody expression in lettuce using an infectious Turnip mosaic virus vector M. Mirzaee . M. Jalali-Javaran . A. Moieni . S. Zeinali . M. Behdani . M. Shams-Bakhsh . M. Modarresi 167
Cloning, antibody production, expression and cellular localization of universal stress protein gene (USPl-GFP) in transgenic cotton S. Hassan T.R. Samiullah . M. ur Rahman Ansari . B. Rashid· T. Husnain 175
Extraction, purification and characterization of a novel cysteine protease from the latex of plant Vallaris solanacea S. Somavarapu . S. Vemula· LB. Reddy 186
Real-time PCR assay for rapid, efficient and accurate detection of Paramyrothecium roridum a leaf spot pathogen of Gossypium species R.L. Chavhan . V.R. Hinge- U.S. Kadam . B.B. Kalbande . P.K. Chakrabarty 199
Development and validation of multiplex-PCR assay for simultaneous detection of rare alleles of crtRBl and leyE governing higher accumulation of provitamin A in maize R.U. Zunjare . R. Chhabra . F. Hossain- V. Muthusamy . A. Baveja . H.S. Gupta 208
The maize brevis plantl is a type II inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase Y. Chen· Q. Cai· S. Hao 215
Isolation and characterization of a 3-hydroxy3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase 2 promoter from Salvia miltiorrhiza P. Szymczyk . R. Grabkowska . E. Skala M. Zebrowska . E. Balcerczak . A. Jelen 223
Physiological, biochemical, antioxidant and growth characterizations of gibberellin and paclobutrazol-treated sweet leaf (Stevia rebaudiana B.) herb S. Hajihashemi 237
Arabidopsis thaliana DHS2 (AT4G33510) gene promoter is highly wound responsive and requires a part of the first exon sequences for its function R.K. Raipuria· V. Kumar- K.N. Guruprasad· S.R. Bhat 241
Issue Date: Apr-2018
Series/Report no.: Volume-27 Issue-2;
Appears in Collections:Alerting of New Journals (BT)

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