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Title: Honey Bee Based Vehicular Traffic Optimization and Management
Other Titles: (In) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Authors: Ghosal, Prasun
Chakraborty, Arijit
Banerjee, Sabyasachee
Keywords: Vehicular traffic management
Honey bee
Traffic optimization
Issue Date: Dec-2012
Publisher: Research Gate
Abstract: Traffic densities in highly populated areas are more prone to various types of congestion problems. Due to the highly dynamic and random character of congestion forming and dissolving, no static and pre deterministic approaches like shortest path first (SPF) etc. can be applied to car navigators. Sensors are adequate here. Keeping view in all the above mentioned factors, our contributions in this paper include the development of a novel Bio Inspired algorithm on multiple layers to solve this optimization problem, where, car routing is handled through algorithms inspired by nature [Honeybee behavior]. The experimental results obtained from the implementation of the proposed algorithm are quite encouraging.
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