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dc.publisherA Journal of the International Communication Associationen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 5;No 3-
dc.subjectTheorizing the Role of Courage in Resistanceen_US
dc.subjectUnmasking Nation/Rewriting Home Gendered Narratives of the Partition and its Aftermathen_US
dc.subjectGilders and Gamblers The Culture of Speculative Capitalism in the United Statesen_US
dc.subjectStudying Ethnic Minorities' Media Uses Comparative Conceptual and Methodological Reflectionsen_US
dc.subjectThe Critical Moral Voice on American Newspaper Opinion Pagesen_US
dc.subjectA Gift From Tiger Mask Performing Goodwill in the Guise of Comic Book Heroesen_US
dc.subjectLatent Consensus in Public Debate Media Discussion of Fathers' Rights in the UKen_US
dc.subjectThe E-man-ci-pation of Ieannie Feminist Doppelgangers on U.S. Televisionen_US
dc.subjectDemonizing "Mean Girls" in the News Was Phoebe Prince "Bullied to Death?"en_US
dc.titleCommunication, Culture and Critiqueen_US
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