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Title: Biodegradation Kinetics of Bi-substrate Solution of Phenol and Resorcinol in an Aerobic Batch Reactor
Other Titles: (In) KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
Authors: Dey, Sudipta
Mukherjee, Somnath
Keywords: biodegradation
inhibition kinetics
dual substrate
22 factorial design of experiments
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Abstract: Phenol and resorcinol compounds are found to co-exist in real-life wastewater, especially in petrochemical, coking and coke-oven wastewater. An indigenous mixed microbial culture isolated from effluent treatment plant of a coke oven industry has been employed to investigate for its biodegradation capacity of bi-solute mixture of phenol and resorcinol under aerobic batch reactor operation. A 22 full factorial design with the two substrates at two different levels of initial concentration ranges (high and low) was explored to design the biodegradation experiments. The effect of individual substrate concentrations and their interaction on rate of phenolics biodegradation were also determined. The phenol and resorcinol as substrates were completely utilized after 22 hrs when the solutes are present at low concentrations of 100 mg/L each. But the culture has taken total 58 hrs to biodegrade completely higher initial concentrations i.e., 400 mg/L of each substrate. This study also observed that both specific growth rate of the culture and the specific substrate degradation rate have descended to lower value in presence of phenol and resorcinol as dual substrate in the solution compared to their presence as single substrate, showing the interaction and inhibition by each substrate. Sum kinetic model was used to describe the variation in the specific substrate degradation rates by the mixed culture. From the interaction parameters obtained from this model, it has been observed that resorcinol inhibits specific substrate degradation rate to a higher extent than inhibition caused by phenol (I Resorcinol, Phenol = 0.5, IPhenol, Resorcinol = 0.1, RMSE = 0.04361)
ISSN: 1226-7988 (P)
1976-3808 (E)
Appears in Collections:Biotechnology (Publications)

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